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Investor Relations
The purpose of the content published on this website is to provide IR information on Nihon Dengi, and it is not intended to solicit investment or provide advice on investment decisions. Final investment decisions should be made based on the judgment of investors themselves.
This website describes the current plans, forecasts, strategies, etc., of Nihon Dengi. With the exception of references to historical facts, these forward-looking statements on the Company’s future business performance have been prepared based on the judgment of Nihon Dengi’s management with reference to information that is available at this time. Therefore, you are advised to avoid relying exclusively on these forward-looking statements. Please be aware that actual business performance may differ significantly from these forward-looking statements due to a wide range of critical factors.
Please note that the information published on this website is subject to change or discontinuation without prior notice. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content published on this website, please note that Nihon Dengi shall bear no responsibility for any problems that may result from errors in the published information, the downloading of data, etc.