Human Capital-Related Initiatives

Our medium- to long-term strategy is to enhance human capital and maximize our human resource capabilities with the aim of creating a workplace where diverse human resources, including women, non-regular employees, young employees, elderly employees, mid-career personnel, and persons with disabilities, can grow and play active roles. Our policies on nurturing human resources, including ensuring the diversity of human resources, and the development of the Company’s internal environment are as follows.

Securing human resources

We aim to improve retention rate by recruiting diverse human resources throughout the year without limiting ourselves to new graduates, promoting the hiring of women, utilizing non-regular employees, ramping up the hiring of young employees, securing elderly employees by raising the retirement age, as well as by supporting upskilling and motivating employees after they have joined the Company

Nurturing human resources

We are committed to nurturing human resources through measures such as conducting position-specific training to improve logical thinking, problem-solving, and management skills, specialized technical training at the Technical Center , on-the-job training (OJT) through a trainer system, encouraging personal development through e-learning and distance learning, supporting the acquisition of various qualifications, and conducting regular career self-assessments and career interviews with employees by managers and the human resources section of the headquarters, etc

Creating a comfortable workplace

We have embraced well-being-oriented management in the interest of creating better working environments. The Well-being Committee, chaired by the President, meets on a monthly basis to work on measures aimed at promoting diversity, safeguarding employee health and safety, improving work-life balance by addressing long working hours and supporting balancing work with situations outside work, developing working environments and various systems that emphasize engagement and motivation, and promoting health and productivity management.

Promoting health and productivity management

We enacted the Health Declaration in September 2018, and in line with our policy of creating environments where each and every employee can work in a lively manner while maintaining good mental and physical health, we have established a health management system headed by the President. Under this system, we will promote health and productivity management aimed at improving the health of employees and our corporate value through health management activities in collaboration with health insurance associations and industrial physicians.
We are also actively working on making our health and productivity management efforts more visible, including by being certified as a Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (Large Enterprise Category) for the fourth consecutive year.
Click here to learn more about health and productivity management at the Company.

Reference information

Indicators and targets

Indicator Target Results (FY2022)
Number of women hired At least 4 every year 5
Number of female employees in management positions 2 or more by March 2026 1
Statutory employment rate for persons with disabilities 100% compliance rate 96.6%
Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave 30% 50.0%
Percentage of obese employees (BMI 25 or higher) 30% or lower 34.8%
Percentage of employees experiencing high stress Less than 10% 6.7%
Work engagement deviation Improvement from the previous year (49.9) 50.0
Percentage of employees taking paid annual leave 70% 78.7%
Certification as Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization Continued certification Certification for the fourth consecutive year
(from March 2020 to March 2023)

Status of measures adopted

Measure Results (FY2022) Future actions
Enhancing human capital Actively recruit new graduates and mid-career personnel
  • Hired 29 employees
    (19 new graduates, 10 mid-career personnel)
  • Hire a total of 40 employees
    • * Aim to have 1,100 employees by 2030 (total of new graduates and mid-career personnel)
Upskilling of personnel through professional training
  • Internal specialized technical training (15 courses)
  • Personnel attended manufacturer device/systems training
  • Introduce group headquarters technical training for all new hires
Increase motivation by revising HR systems
  • Revised wage system (from FY2023)
    Raised initial pay from ¥220,000 to ¥250,000
    Increased base pay (base annual salary +8.7%)
    Introduced employee benefits trust (managers)
  • Consider multi-track duty systems, etc.
Promoting workstyle reforms
and work-life balance
Create a flexible working environment that embraces diversity
  • Raised regular employee retirement age (from 60 to 65)
  • Hired women (5 female employees joined the Company in FY2022)
  • [General business operator action plan: 4 female employees]
    Utilized telecommuting (work from home, Zoom teleconferencing, etc.)
  • Hire women/Increase the number of female managers
  • Establish work-from-home system
Comply with maximum overtime regulations
  • Achieved 99%+ compliance with maximum overtime regulations
    (Improved monitoring and productivity)
  • Comply early with maximum overtime regulations
Promote health and productivity management
  • Certified as Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization for the fourth consecutive year
  • Become certified as Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization
    for the fifth consecutive year