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- Sustainability at Nihon Dengi
Sustainability at
Nihon Dengi

Message from the President
“We strive to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society and improve our corporate value.”
Since it was founded in 1959, Nihon Dengi has developed a wide range of businesses, including industrial instrumentation (primarily in the field of air conditioning instrumentation) as well as energy-saving and environmental businesses.
Amid the emergence of various social issues in recent years, such as climate change and environmental problems associated with global warming as well as a declining birthrate and aging population, the construction industry is also confronted with various challenges and risks ranging from uncertainty about Japan’s market and labor shortages.
In these uncertain times, we recognize that sustainable management is essential for Nihon Dengi to achieve sustainable growth.
In particular, given that the construction industry is the business field in which we operate, we believe that we are able to make a significant contribution to the creation of a carbon-neutral society through energy-saving and labor-saving solutions that can be implemented with our instrumentation technologies. We are thus committed to tackling social issues and contributing to the creation of a sustainable society through our business activities, with the aim of becoming a company that meets the needs of society, thereby improving our corporate value. We hope you will accompany us on our journey as we take on new challenges going forward.
Basic Sustainability Policy
The ND Group recognizes that tackling global environmental and social issues is an important management challenge. We strive to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society and improve our corporate value through our business activities as an instrumentation engineering company based on our management philosophy.
Contributing to global environmental conservation
Contributing to society
Achieving sustainable management

Contributing to global environmental conservation
As environmental problems intensify on a global scale with long-term measures becoming necessary, the Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015 with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by the second half of the century and limiting the average rise in global temperatures to less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels.
Buildings consume enormous amounts of energy, especially air conditioning equipment. As an instrumentation engineering company that utilizes automatic control to design energy-saving solutions for buildings, we are committed to reducing CO2 emissions that exacerbate climate change through our business activities, thereby contributing to the creation of a carbon-neutral society.
Key issues
Contributing to a carbon-neutral society through instrumentation engineering
Related SDGs

Contributing to society
During this transition period for industry when we grapple with a declining birthrate and aging population as well as digital technology, it has become necessary to build industries and engage in innovation to achieve sustainable industrialization and economic development. In particular, the manufacturing industry is undergoing rapid transformation as it embraces smart factories that leverage digital technology. Through instrumentation engineering, we can contribute to improving productivity, product quality, and working conditions at manufacturing sites.
In addition, we will continue to undertake community service activities and create working environments where our personnel can work in a safe, healthy, and lively manner.
Key issues
Using instrumentation engineering to contribute to the creation of smart factories
Improving health, safety and quality
Creating better working environments
Contributing to communities and society at large
Related SDGs

Striving for fair and transparent management
In order to achieve sustainable growth for the Company and improve our corporate value over the medium to long term, we recognize that it is essential to practice management that is capable of responding promptly and decisively to changes in the business environment. We will fulfill our responsibilities to all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, by proactively strengthening corporate governance and disclosing information appropriately.
Key issues
Strengthening corporate governance